
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions about bitwallet in Q&A format.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) : Highlighted Questions (FAQ)

6 Information

I am going to upgrade my device. Is there any procedure I need to follow?

Please check your account information (phone number, email address, and 2-Factor Authentication settings) before switching to a new device. If your registered information is not up-to-date, you may not be able to log in to your account after switching to a new device. Also, please transfer your 2-Factor Authentication to the new device while the old device is still usable.
For details on how to transfer 2-Factor Authentication, please refer to the following link.

Click here to learn how to transfer 2-step verification

I deleted my 2-Factor Authentication app and can no longer log in.

If you have the QR code or account key that you used when setting up 2-Factor Authentication, you can recover it yourself. Please download the 2-Factor Authentication app again and complete the procedure. If you do not have either of them, please contact us using the contact form so that our support desk will disable the 2-Factor Authentication setting.

Click here for the contact form


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