

Glossary of terms commonly used in the Wallet

Terms in Security Terms

10 Information


A passphrase is a string of characters that you set to confirm your identity, like a password.


Phishing is a method of stealing personal information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, and account information, by sending an email pretending to be from a financial institution and inducing the recipient to click on a URL on the site, which is then used as a fake site pretending to be from that financial institution.


When important information such as email or credit card numbers is transmitted over the internet, they are converted in such a way that they cannot be understood even if they are viewed en route, which is called encryption.

security code

The security code is the last three digits of the seven digit number printed on the signature line on the back of a credit card. The role of the security code is to increase security by preventing unauthorized use or identity theft by third parties.

3D Secure

3D Secure is an authentication system developed by ViISA International for secure credit card transactions over the Internet. 3D Secure is used by VISA, MasterCard, and JCB, and is collectively called 3D Secure, although the name differs for each brand.


ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the name of a private, non-profit organization headquartered in the United States.

digital signature (e-signature)

Digital signature is a technology that uses public key cryptography and hash functions to prove that a digital document was “definitely created by the sender” and “that it has not been altered”. It can be said to be an alternative to the signature and seal used for analog documents.


E signature is a technology that uses public key cryptography and hash functions to prove that a digital document was “definitely created by the sender” and “that it has not been altered”. It can be said to be an alternative to the signature and seal used for analog documents.


Distributed Denial of Service attack”. A similar term is DoS attack, which stands for “Denial of Service attack”. The literal translation is denial of service attack.


Generally, the term “spam” refers to the sending of bulk, indiscriminate, and mass messages that do not conform to the recipient’s intentions (e.g., unsolicited email), and in a broader sense, the act of spamming itself.

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