

Glossary of terms commonly used in the Wallet

Terms in Regulations, Associations and International Rules

13 Information


ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the name of a private, non-profit organization headquartered in the United States.

government notes

In every country in the world, central banks (in Japan, the Bank of Japan) generally print banknotes. However, banknotes are only accepted if the issuing institution has creditworthiness. In other words, if an institution with creditworthiness issues the banknotes, then other than the central bank, it is possible to produce marketable banknotes.

New York Agreement

The New York Agreement refers to the agreement between 58 miners, operators, and others from 22 countries to change the Bitcoin system, so named because the signing took place in New York in 2017. It is also known as NYA.


The phenomenon in which the value of money increases and the value of goods decreases is called deflation. It is the opposite phenomenon of inflation, in which the value of goods increases.

maximum interest rate

The maximum interest rate is the upper limit of the lending interest rate set by law. The two most common laws that stipulate the maximum interest rate are the Interest Rate Restriction Act and the Capital Subscription Law.

Personal Credit Information Center

The Personal Credit Information Center is an organization that records and manages personal credit information in order to facilitate consumer credit. Personal credit information includes one’s attributes, credit card and cash advance contract status, and transaction status such as borrowing and repayment.

credit history

Credit history is the history of credit card usage registered with credit bureaus. In general, personal identification information such as name and gender, and contract details such as contract date and product name are registered.

money laundering

Money laundering is an act to obscure the source of funds obtained through criminal activity. It involves repeated transfers of money using fictitious or other people’s names in financial accounts, etc., the purchase of stocks and bonds, and large donations.


Cooling-off is a special system to protect consumers as stipulated in the Specified Commercial Transactions Act and other laws. It covers contracts in surprise transactions such as door-to-door sales, and contracts in complex and high-risk transactions such as pyramid schemes.


Kickstarter is an American company that operates a crowdfunding website. Crowdfunding is a way for an unspecified number of people to contribute funds through a website to make a project a reality.


The FATF is the abbreviation for the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering. Also known as the Financial Action Task Force or GAFI, it was established in 1989 in response to the Economic Declaration held in Paris. The secretariat of the FATF is therefore located in Paris.


ECB stands for European Central Bank, established in June 1998 and headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. It is responsible for monetary policy in the euro area, specifically the formulation and implementation of monetary policy, the issuance and management of euros, the conduct of foreign exchange operations, and the smooth operation of the payment and settlement system.


FRB stands for “Federal Reserve Board” and refers to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, which, under the FRS (Federal Reserve System), oversees the Federal Reserve Banks in major cities across the country and is positioned as the central bank of the United States.

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