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Niujorko susitarimas

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How to read in Japanese: New York Agreement

Niujorko susitarimas reiškia susitarimą tarp 58 kalnakasių, operatorių ir kitų iš 22 šalių pakeisti Bitcoin sistemą, taip pavadinta todėl, kad pasirašymas įvyko 2017 m. Niujorke. Jis taip pat žinomas kaip NYA.

The New York agreement is to implement “Segwit2x” in Bitcoin and to conduct a hard fork to expand the block size. Segwit2x is responsible for improving Bitcoin’s transaction processing capacity, and when implemented, payments and transactions will run smoothly.

In addition, the block size at that time was small and could not accommodate transactions around the world, making settlement time consuming. Therefore, the introduction of Segwit2x, which makes the settlement environment more comfortable, and the expansion of block size were considered, and many miners and operators supported them.

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